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Established in 2018 with the expertise of Gauravdeep and Gursharan, LCI strives to offer 360-degree solutions to NRIs residing abroad with Real Estate, Banking and Finance, and Litigation.
Personal attention, Proven results

Suite of Services

G & G brings together the very best to deliver bespoke and highly effective legal advice for our NRI clients with our suite of services.


Retrieving and examining of propertys legal ownership records

Banking/ Financial Matters

Offers a 360-degree closure loop on banking and financial matters

Litigation Matters

Assistance in full-blown legal filing and representation in courts

Adverse Possession

Provides a complete advisory on all matters related to adverse possession

Partition of Property

Full-fledge legal advice for partition in jointly inherited properties in India

Succession Certificate

Deliver end-to-end services for succession issuance in the appropriate law court

NCLT Matters

Offers a comprehensive suite of options to pursue admissible NCLT-related actions

Landlord Tenant Dispute

Eviction of hostile Landlord – Tenant disputes to cut down legal hassles

Environmental Law & Sustainability

Assessment and legal remedies in environmental law and sustainability matters

Compliance Risk Assessment

Quantify the difference between what your compliance program accomplishes and what it should do to be considered an effective program by regulators.

Strategic Tax Planning

Save on tax savings while still adhering to the legal commitments and regulations of the Income Tax Act of 1961, mitigating your tax liability.

Structuring of Corporate

Manage your companys fundamental structure, including the board of directors and management staff, with zero hassle overseas.

News Portal

Know the latest and updated information and amendments in the real estate, banking & finance, and litigation sectors.

News Portal

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